Saturday, September 25, 2010

Daisy Dog RIP

Friday I retrieved Daisy from the kennel.   She was happy but could barely walk.  She had just had a shot a week ago   The kennel people said she had been that way all week.

 At home she got stuck on the kitchen floor and couldn't get up.   For the first time she was crying.   Mom and I decided it was time.  This morning we took her to the vet at 11:00a.m.  We were both with her.   First they put in a catheter and administered a sedative.   That took about 15 minutes.   Then the vet administered phenobarbitol and she died within a minute.  She felt nothing.  We were holding and stroking her.

We brought her home in a basket covered with one of her cleanup towels.   I dug a hole in the soft soil under the porch right by the doors from the basement.  We said kaddish and erected a temporary set of stones.   She lies close by forever.

She was a dog who gave us so much for 14 years.   Just being her sweet loving self, she played with us when she and we were happy, and nuzzled and loved us when we needed companionship.   I know for you, there were times that hugging Daisy was the best way to sooth sadness or a wound.

We said goodbye for all of you.   Our memories will ever be with us.

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