Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Accordioncrimes the blog title

I've received thousands of questions about the blog title. Besides being the title of one of my favorite books, I kinda like the image an accordion committing or perhaps defining a crime.

Try out several whimsical images of accordion crime:

Accordion as Robin Hood stealing from the rich and giving to the poor.

Accordion as Robber Baron assembling vast wealth at the expense of a new urban working class.

Accordion as 21st Centery banker/speculator, riding the bubble till it burst.

Or maybe the idea here is that an accordion crime is a crime against beauty, music, dance, the things that make being human worthwhile.

Or that it is an accordion (squeezebox) crime to squeeze the breath out of people by poisoning their air.

Accordion crime joke:

Q.What is an accordion crime?
A. An accordion crime is a pure example of redundancy.

Special Accordion Offer!!!!!

I'll deliver a free accordion performance or lesson to anyone who submits an accordion crime drawing to this blog.


  1. I like your post variety
    and your reader-base participation outreach.
    And a lot of your points.
    And I like you too.

  2. Thanks. Do you know if there is actually a way for people to send me an accordion crime picture? I guess if not, I could go for email.
