Saturday, April 17, 2010

Lip and Lup

In 1954, the Beckers moved from Newark to Springfield.   This was certainly about upward mobility for my mother and me.   My father had no interest.   He had grown up in Brooklyn suburbs.   His condition for going along.....he would not mow the lawn.   My mother and I agreed, and so he kept his vow, till I was gone and it got difficult for my mother 30 years later.

I remember  the first trip when my mother took me to Springfield to see the house they had bought (yes it was aluminum sided pink; they hated the color for 20 years but wouldn't spend the money to paint a house that didn't need painting..)  We stopped at a car drive in restaurant.   The name was written in script and I read it as Lip and Lup.   Kind of confused me.  Only later did I figure out it was Sip and early sign that I didn't fit in the suburbs.

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