Saturday, November 14, 2009

Congress Speaks with one voice....the lobbyiest (literally!)

NY Times reports speeches by more than 12 Congressmen published as part of the Health Care debate were ghost written by one lobbyist working for Genentech.   The lobbyist even provided different versions for Democrats and Republicans.  However the language was essentially the same and Congressmen showed remorse for repeating word for word the statements of others, but no remorse for lobbyist ghost writers.   This is not a Republicrat single party, but a lobbyist single party.

The influence of lobbyists under different "regimes" illustrates the story of the crows sitting in the tree, the farmer coming along and beating the tree with a hammer, the crows fly up, make a lot of noise, carry on with a certain amount of chaos and confusion, and then settle back onto their perches as of old.    They call that political change in Washington.

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