Thursday, March 11, 2010

What's the left to do (about Obama)

I'm biting the bullet and supporting the current health care bill over none at all.   The most important things is that essential access to health care will increase for millions of Americans.   The fact that the whole bill is centered around and exclusively oriented to supporting the for profit insurance model is very disappointing.

One way for progressives to respond is to do what folks in Arkansas are doing.   They are opposing  the primary campaign of Blanche Lincoln, a Senate incumbent who opposed the public option.  She is being supported by Obama but Move and the Arkansas AFL-CIO are supporting and providing funds for her opponent, Lt Gov. Bill Halter, who is supportive of public option and other more liberal programs.

The liberal wing of the Democratic party needs to learn from the Conservative right how to insist its views be at their party's table.   (We also need to balance with how not to splinter the party so fully that the Republicans win.)  

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