Friday, February 19, 2010

Yoo and Pinochet

Judge Baltasar Garzon, the Spanish judge who indicted Augusto Pinochet for torutre in 1998, has opened a formal investigation of Bush lawyers Yoo and Bysbee.   These were the administration lawyers who provided the legal cover for US torture.  While it might seem a stretch for a Spanish judge to investigate or try a US citizen for torture, that's exactly what is mandated by the 1988 Convention Against Torture (signed by Ronald Reagan!)

On the US front, leaked information on the Justice Department's investigation of the two lawyers hints that earlier language referring the attorneys to state bars for consideration of formal discipline has been watered down.  The latest draft merely describes their actions as "poor judgement."

Spanish court considers torture "crime against humanity"
US Justice Dept considers torture "poor judgement"

I would love to be part of a country that consistently held to the higher moral ground on these and other issues.

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