I try to be compassionate, ethical, generous, hard working, and engaged in making the world a bit better each day. Sometimes I'm grouchy, forgetful, messy.
Here's what gets me into the "zone. " Ain't she pretty?
Roumanian street accordionesse in Amsterdam
Beautiful Music: Roumamian Street Musician in Amsterdam
Ways in Which the World Divides
People who prefer cake dough knishes and those who prefer flaky dough
those who hang their toilet paper with the loose end over the top vrs those who like it coming out from underneath
...by favorite season. I prefer fall
Progressives who still have hope for Obama and those who don't
People who write with a pen or pencil or people who write on a keyboard. Unfortunately I'm one of the latter, it's the piano thing
People who think unions have improved america and those who think they are a curse.
People who prefer the Reuben (corned beef and sourkraut) to those who prefer the Rachel (pastrami and cole slaw.)
Students who learn best by reading, and those who learn by listening to lectures
People who think bagels are ok with blueberry or cinnamon filling, and those who think they should not be sweet
People who love to cook with pressure cooker and those who are afraid of the things
Foods that love to be overcooked (pot roast; brisket) and those that don't (fish; brussels sprouts)
Adults who like it when it snows, and those who fret about it
people who like flavored coffee and those who don't
SUV drivers and the rest.....
"daddy" vs anything else
Food processed latkes (smooth) or grated (chunky)
Some people like snakes, some hate 'em
People who like flavored coffees and those who do not (is there a correlation with people who like lite beer?)
middle aged men who can go the night without a trip to the bathroom
People who can stand to drink lite beer and those who can't
people who like dark vs milk chocolate
elastic band vs rubber band
pop vs. soda
lean or fatty pastrami
pastrami or corned beef
people who sing in tune and those......
people who sit in the front row, and those sit in the back
People who like to learn languages and those who do not
People who think the 60's were great, and those who do not
People who remember dreams and those who do not
Sailors vs motor boaters
Crunchy vs smooth peanut butter lovers
People who like or don't like long car trips
People who think honey is healthy and sugar is not
People who pay their credit card debt in full each month, and those who don't
Meat vs vegetable eaters
Math confident vs math phobic
Fans of football and fans of futball
People who enjoy running
People who eat cilantro
Tomayto vs tomahto
People who put their coats on their chair backs at a theater
People willing to go first in a buffet
Morning vs night people
People who eat sour cream vs apple sauce on latkes
furry slippers in the morning in the winter
Energetic music in the morning
First big snow of winter
Music with 5,7,9, or 11 beats, especially if they alternate from measure to measure
Funky diners....
An evening doing nothing but listening to music.....as in tonight!
learned tastes: brussels sprouts, halvah, celery soda (tonic,) shav
Making latkes with my mother's recipe
Listening to my music on shuffle in the car and then going to whatever cd strikes my fancy....often one I forgot I had
First crisp day of fall
Nina Simone
First coffee in the morning
Moment when you shut off the motor on a sailboat
Running out of hot water for a shower
Television in the morning
Pianists making the sweeping bent wrist motion off the keys
Empirical Political Science
French fries that aren't brown on the outside
Moment while taking a bath when your warm back touches the freezing tub back
Things I've changed my mind about
When I was a kid I always lusted after the variety of nasty looking pocket knives in see through cases in hardware stores. My parents would only let me own a homey boyscout knife. Now that I can buy my own, I'm not very interested in all those nasty looking knives in the case.
Facebook....I like it
Till I got goldie, I thought you couldn't have enough accordions. Now I need only one!
Eat less meat. No I'm not anywhere near a vegetarian yet!
Ronald Reagan....a little....give him credit for nuclear disarmament
Opera..... now I like it, sometimes
Country music.....now I like it
Importance of genetics vs environment on childrens' personalities
Counseling. There was a time when I thought it was hooey.
Obama. I didn't care for him at first. Maybe I'll change my mind again and revert.
Pacifism...I'm getting convinced
Swing music....I used to equate it with bubble gum pop (music)
New Jersey....I'm liking it better
Lettuce (I don't like it much)
Spinach (I like it)
Lima beans: used to hate 'em
Accordion Music
Things I haven't changed my mind about
flickr....I still don't like it
My mother's recipes....can't be beat
Ronald Reagan...mostly....convinced the American people it was in their interest to go for all kinds of right wing stuff, like trickle down, deregulations, etc.
Still love grilled cheese sandwiches
snow, still love it
Jewish women....
Gorbachov:: visionary soviet reformer
Pianists who make that rising sweeping motion off the keys
Karl Marx: brilliant philosopher
Regions of the country I like and don't like. I'll leave you to guess.
The power of nature to bring out the best in us
Marriage....I keep trying
Euro pop....still too soft edged for me
The 1960's...as in I'm still proud to be a child of...
Richard Nixon
Lobster...I like the taste, but can't stand the process
Big bodies of salt water....I need them in my life
Tongue (to eat...I don't care for it)
Halvah (I like)
Swimming pools (I don't like)
Becker Raves
Sound of ice cracking when you pour in liquid of room temperature
the way milk poured into coffee disappears to the bottom and then appears and spreads through the top.
88 Iranian professors protest violent tactics by govt., saying "violent attacks on defenseless students is not a sign of strength."
West Virginia figure of speech....the car needs washed; the house needs cleaned
Droste's hot chocolate
Facebook as a way to keep track of casual friends...normally I'd just lose them
Obama's ability to inspire....will that survive his waffling?
Roz and Ann Payne organized a 350 vigil in Morgantown to support significant climate change in Copenhagen
All the internet action working for comperhensive health care reform.
I love writing this blog....way above my expectations. (Does that count?)
Becker RANTS!!
Pre recorded and synthesized bass lines with a band. Dead Dead Dead
Male rant number 1..... It seems to me if I am talking to a woman at an event and another woman comes over, she frequently bursts right in and starts a new conversation. Seems that a little more politeness would be to hang around, listen and find a way to fit into the conversation. As with the one below, I believe there is a little gender action going here.
Male rant number 2: Another possible gender/civility occurrence... I don't care for the interaction when a woman friend comes over to me at an event, and before saying, "Hello, how are you?" Says, "where is your wife?"
Opening a new cd package, especially the ones with the code taping the halves together on the side....especially when you're eager to hear new music!
People who can't drive in snow (isn't that crotchety of me?)
Uganda passes death penalty for gays law following visit by three US fundamentalists speaking on dangers of "gay"
...when people turn perfectly nice nouns into verbs. I call this verbizing. ... as in bureaucratize, transition
People talking on cell phones at check out or in restaurant
Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley,, and JP Morgan Chase hand out $29.7 billion in bonuses in 09. That's a record.. Wreck the economy and then receive socialism for the rich. That's a pretty good deal!
Blue Dog Dems willingness to sacrifice all Health care for narrow issues!
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